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Christmas In Our Hearts  Jose Mari Chan

F-Bb-; Dm--
[Dm]Whenever I see girls and boys
Selling l[Gm]anterns on th[A]e streets
I re[Gm]member the Child
In th[A]e manger as H[Dm]e sleeps
[Dm]Wherever there are people
Gi[Gm]ving gifts, exchang[Gm]ing cards
I bel[Gm]ieve tha[Dm]t Christmas
Is [A]truly in their hearts
Let's [C]light our Christ[F]mas trees
Fo[C]r a bright [F]tomorrow
Whe[C]re nations a[F]re at peace
An[E]d all are o[Am]ne [C7]in God
Let[F]'s sing Merry Christmas
A[Bb]nd a happy holiday
Thi[C]s season, may we never forget
The love we hav[F]e for Jesus
Le[F]t Him be the One to guide us
As [Bb]another new year starts
A[C]nd may the spirit of Christmas
Be always [F]in our [A-]hearts
(Do stanza chords)
In every prayer and every song
The community unites
Celebrating the birth
Of our Savior, Jesus Christ
Let love, like that starlight
On that first Christmas morn
Lead us back to the manger
Where Christ the Child was born
(Do Refrain chords)
So, come let us rejoice
Come and sing a Christmas carol
With one big joyful voice
Proclaim the name of the Lord!
Let[F]'s sing Merry Christmas
A[Bb]nd a happy holiday
Thi[C]s season, may we never forget
The love we hav[F]e for Jesus
Le[F]t Him be the One to guide us
As [Bb]another new year starts
A[C]nd may the spirit of Christmas
Be always [F]in our [A-]hearts
(Repeat Chorus moving chords to F#)
[C#]?Be alway[F#-B-F#-B-F#]s in our hearts
Thats about it!..Merry Christmas guys!Enjoy

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A Am Bb C C# C7 Dm E F Gm
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