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Country Trash  Johnny Cash

By Johnny Cash
Chorded by: GWiZ (gwiz665 (at)
This is a real easy three chord song, from the one and only Man in Black.
(I'm not sure what the actual key is, but it's a simple task to modulate accordingly,
only three chords to think about.)
Verse 1:
I got a [D]crib full of corn, and a t[G]urnin' plow
But the g[A]rounds to wet for the [D]hopper now.
[D]Got a cultivator and a d[G]ouble tree
A l[A]eather line for the h[D]ull and gee
D G (pause)
Let the thunder roll and the lighting flash
I'm [A]doing alright for C[D]ountry Trash
Verse 2:
I'm [D]saving up dimes for a r[G]ainy day
I [A]got about a dollar l[D]aid away
The [D]winds from the south and the f[G]ishings good
Got a [A]pot belly stove and a q[A]uart of wood
D G (pause)
Mama turns the left-overs into hash
I'm d[A]oing alright for Co[D]untry Trash
Verse 3:
I got a m[D]achina and a hu[G]nting dog
A c[A]ap I ordered from the c[D]atalog
[D]A good tall tree that sh[G]ades the yard
A g[A]ood fat sow for the w[D]inters lard
D G (pause)
Let the thunder roll and the lighting flash
I'm [A]doing alright for Co[D]untry Trash
Verse 4:
Well there's [D]not much new ground l[G]eft to plow
And the [A]crops need fertil[D]izer now
[D]My hands don't earn me t[G]oo much gold
For se[A]curity when [D]I grow old
D G (pause)
But we'll all be equal under the grass
And [A]God's got a heaven for C[D]ountry Trash
[A]God's got a heaven for C[D]ountry Trash
I'll be [A]doing alright for C[D]ountry Trash

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Lyrics corrections

hull and gee: haw and gee
machina: mackinaw

source(see for explanations):
