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Jackson  Johnny Cash

  [C]We got married in a fever hotter than a pepper sprout
  [C]We've been talking 'bout Jackson  e[C7]ver since the fire went out
  [C]I'm going to  Jac[F]kson, gonna mess aro[C]und
  [C]yeah, I'm going to  Jac[F]kson,  lo[G7]ok out Jackson  t[C]own
  [C]Go on down to Jackson, go ahead and wreck your health
  [C]Go play your hand, you big talking man, and make a bi[C7]g fool of yourself
  [C]Yeah, go to  Jac[F]kson, go comb your  ha[C]ir
  [C]Yeah, I'm gonna sn[F]ow ball Jackson,  s[G7]ee if I  ca[C]re
  [C]When I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop and bow
  [C]all them women gonna make me  te[C7]ach 'em what they don't know how
  [C]aw, I'm going to  Jac[F]kson, turn aloose of my  co[C]at,
  y[C]eah, I'm going to  Jac[F]kson,  go[G7]odbye, that's all she  wro[C]te
  I[C]'m gonna laugh at you in Jackson, and I'll be dancin' on a pony keg
  [C]they'll lead ya round town like a scalded hound, with y[C7]our  tail tucked between your legs
  [C]yeah, go to  Jack[F]son, you big talking  m[C]an
  [C]and I'll be waiting in  Jac[F]kson, be[G7]hind my jaypan(Japan) f[C]an
  [C]We got married in a fever hotter than a pepper sprout
  [C]We've been talking 'bout Jackson  e[C7]ver since the fire went out
  [C]I'm going to  Jack[F]son, and that's a  f[C]act
  [C]yeah, I'm going to  Jac[F]kson,  ai[G7]n't never comin'  b[C]ack

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