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Cheeseburger in Paradise  Jimmy Buffett

By: Scott Vance
I looked at another guys version of this song and I made it a little more complete. This is an awesome song.
[Bm] [G] [A] [D]  
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@ALBUM: Songs You Know By Heart
@SONG: Cheeseburger in Paradise
Cheeseburger in Paradise
By: Jimmy Buffett
>From "Son of a Son of a Sailor"
Intro: ** Play "|" as strums or beats
Bm |||| A |
Bm |||| G |
Bm |||| A | D |
Tried to a[G]mend my car[A]nivorous ha[D]bits
[G]Made it nearly [A]seventy da[D]ys
Losin' we[G]ight without s[A]peed, eatin' sun[D]flower seeds
[E]Drinkin' lots of carrot juice and [A]soakin' up rays
But at [G]night I'd [A]have these w[D]onderful [G]dreams
[G]Some kind of [A]sensuous tre[Bm]at
Not zuc[G]chini, fettu[D]cini or bu[G]lgar w[D]heat
But a [G]big warm b[D]un and a h[A]uge hunk of m[D]eat

C[G]heese[A]burger in [D]paradise
[G]Heaven on [A]Earth with an o[D]nion slice
[G]Not too par[A]ticular, no[D]t too precise
I'm just a [G]Cheese[D]burger in [A]parad[D]ise

Bm |||| A | D |
Heard abou[G]t the old t[A]ime sailor [D]men
[G]They eat the sa[A]me thing a[D]gain and again
Warm beer[G] and bread the[A]y said could rai[D]se the dead
[E]Well it reminds me of the menu at [A]a Holiday Inn
But tim[G]es change,[A] sailors the[D]se days[G]
[G]When I'm in p[A]ort I get wh[Bm]at I need
Not jus[G]t Havanas or[D] bananas o[G]r daiq[D]uiris
But th[G]at America[D]n creation[A] on which I f[D]eed

Che[G]esebu[A]rger in Pa[D]radise
Med[G]ium rare w[A]ith mustard be [D]nice
Hea[G]ven on Eart[A]h with an o[D]nion slice
I'm just a C[G]heeseb[D]urger in P[A]aradi[D]se

(Just knock on the guitar or silence the strings for this part) 1 strum = /
In the song it sounds like a clap
** [///]I like mine[/] with le[//]ttuce and t[/]omato
** H[//]einz 57 and[/] French [//]fried potat[/]oes
** [//]Big kosher p[/]ickle an[//]d a cold dr[/]aft beer
** [//]Well good Go[/]d almigh[//]ty which wa[/]y do I steer for my
Ch[G]eeseb[A]urger in P[D]aradise
Maki[G]n' the bes[A]t of every virt[D]ue and vice
Wort[G]h every dam[A]n bit of sa[D]crifice to get a
Ch[G]eesebu[D]rger in Pa[A]radis[D]e
I nee[G]d a Ch[D]eeseburger[A] in P[D]aradise
I'm j[G]ust a [D]Cheeseburg[A]er in[D] Paradise
Bm |||| A |
Bm |||| G |
Bm |||| A | D ||
(If you plan on performing this in public, I might suggest ending it on this point after the last D)
** I[///] like mine [/]with let[//]tuce and to[/]mato
** H[//]einz 57 and[/] French [//]fried potat[/]oes
** [//]Big kosher p[/]ickle an[//]d a cold dr[/]aft beer
** [//]Well good Go[/]d almigh[//]ty which wa[/]y do I steer

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A Bm D E G
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