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Psalm 23  Jason Upton

Your h[Cm]ands[Bb/D]
[Fm]Reached i[Gm]nto the de[Ab]pths of da[Bb]rkness
Your a[Cm]rms [Bb/D]
[Fm]Pulled m[Gm]e to the l[Ab]ight ab[Bb]ove
Your vo[Cm]ice [Bb/D]
[Fm]Spoke th[Gm]e word that b[Ab]roke my h[Bb]eart
Your e[Cm]yes[Bb/D]
[Fm]Burn wit[Gm]h holy pa[Ab]ssion, f[Bb]ire, and l[Cm]ove
You l[Cm]ead[Bb/D]
[Fm]Me besi[Gm]de the qu[Ab]iet wa[Bb]ters
You w[Cm]alk [Bb/D]
[Fm]In the s[Gm]hadows of d[Ab]eaths dar[Bb]kened door
You m[Cm]ake[Bb/D]
[Fm]Tables r[Gm]ight bef[Ab]ore my ene[Bb]mies
You t[Cm]ake[Bb/D]
[Fm]oil and t[Gm]hen you [Ab]pour it ov[Bb]er me
The L[D]ord is my Sh[Em7]epherd, [D/F#] [G]
I will f[D]ear no e[Em7]vil [D/F#] [G]
Yo[D]u are my She[Em7]pherd, God,
I will f[D]ear no e[Em7]vil [D/F#] [G]
[Em7]Surely go[D]odness and [A/C#]mercy c[D/F#]over m[G]e
[Em7]All the d[D]ays of my li[A/C#]fe they [D/F#]cover [G]me
[Em]Surely [D]Im going to d[A/C#]well in the h[D/F#]ouse of the L[G]ord
[Em]Forever and e[D]ver and e[C]ver and e[G/B]ver m[Asus]ore

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A/C# Ab Asus Bb Bb/D C Cm D D/F# Em Em7 Fm G G/B Gm
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