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In The Silence  Jason Upton

[Bm]That im [A]telling you [G]you have me
[Bm]but i know you [A]really don'[G]t
[Bm]and that im t[A]elling you i'll [G]follow
[Bm]when i know [A]i really won[G]t
[Em]coz i'd rathe[D]r stand here [G]speechless
[Bm]when no way w[A]ords to [G]say
[Em]if my silenc[D]e is more truth[G]ful
[Bm]and my ears can [A]hear how to [G]walk in your way
In the [Bm]silenc[A]e
you are [D/F#]speaking[G]
in the [Bm]quiet
[A]i can fe[D/F#]el the f[G]ire
and its [Bm]burning[A]
b[D/F#]urning de[G]eply
burning [Bm]all it [A]is that [D/F#]you des[G]ire
 Bm-A-D-G Bm-A-D-G

to be silent in me
[Bm]oh jesus c[A]an you hear [G]me
[Bm]my soul is[A] screaming o[G]ut
[Bm]and my bro[A]ken will cry[G] teach me
[Bm]wat's ur k[A]ingdom all a[G]bout
[Em]and ignite my [D]heart to fear[G] you
[Bm]to fear your [A]holy na[G]me
[Em]and create a l[D]ife of wo[G]rship
[Bm]in spirit and[A] truth of yo[G]ur loving ways
In the [Bm]silenc[A]e
you are [D/F#]speaking[G]
in the [Bm]quiet
[A]i can fe[D/F#]el the f[G]ire
and its [Bm]burning[A]
b[D/F#]urning de[G]eply
burning [Bm]all it [A]is that [D/F#]you des[G]ire
 Bm-A-D-G Bm-A-D-G

to be silent in me

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A Bm D D/F# Em G
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