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We All Lose One Another  Jason Collett

Jason Collett - We All Loose One Another
Em C G Em C G Walk up *Bm
*Bm G
So this is the day of the dead
[Bm]Of St. Jude and the lady of G[G]uadeloupe
[Am]Of apples a[C]nd oranges
[Bm]And silver coins for ghosts to g[G]amble with
[Bm]Marigolds and [G]candles
[Am]This is birth and t[C]his is death
[Dm]All in the same b[Em]reath
C G Walk down Em
We all loose one another on the way
C G Walk up *Bm
We all loose one another on the way
*Bm G
So this is the day of the dead
[Bm]Bound by love unb[G]ound by flesh
[Am]This is for those who have g[C]one before
[Bm]Flower petals falling on t[G]he altar
[Bm]This is just a [G]gift
[Am]This is birth and t[C]his is death
[Dm]All in the same b[Em]reath
C G Walk down Em
We all loose one another on the way (x2)
C G Walk up *Am
We all loose one another on the way
Harmonica solo: *Am C Dm Em
C G Walk down Em
We all loose one another on the way (x3)
C G Walk down Em
We all loose one another (x3)
C G Walk down Em
We all loose one another on the way (x4 to end)
Am = X02200 Dm = X54030 (*) = Indicates same chord for follow through

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Am Bm C Dm Em G
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