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Mercedes Benz  Janis Joplin

"I'd like to do a song of great social an' political import. Goes like this:"
Oh l[A]ord, won?t you b[D]uy me a m[A]ercedes b[E]enz ?
My f[A]riends all drive p[D]orsches, I m[A]ust make am[E]ends.
Worked h[A]ard all my l[D]ifetime, no h[A]elp from my fr[D]iends,
So oh [A]lord, won?t you [D]buy me a m[E]ercedes b[A]enz ?
Oh L[A]ord, won't you [D]buy me [A]a color [E]TV?
"Dial[A]ing for d[D]ollars" is t[A]rying to f[E]ind me,
I wait [A]for deli[D]very each [A]day until t[D]hree,
So oh [A]Lord, won't you [D]buy me [E]a color [A]TV?
Oh [A]Lord, won't you [D]buy me a n[A]ight on th[E]e town?
I'm [A]counting [D]on you, [A]lord, please don't [E]let me down.
Prove that [A]you love [D]me and [A]buy the next [D]round,
Oh [A]Lord, won't you [D]buy me a [E]night on t[A]he town?
Oh l[A]ord, won?t you b[D]uy me a m[A]ercedes b[E]enz ?
My f[A]riends all drive p[D]orsches, I m[A]ust make am[E]ends.
Worked h[A]ard all my l[D]ifetime, no h[A]elp from my fr[D]iends,
So oh [A]lord, won?t you [D]buy me a m[E]ercedes b[A]enz ?

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