Cry With You Hunter Hayes
Cry With You Hunter Hayes Hai, so this is my first tab.. no hate please >.< Ive been using Ultimate Guitar for a while now, but have recently joined :) sooo here is just some random tab i feel like submitting!!! :D E.N.J.O.Y c; -Allie *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* When[(Em)] you try not to look at me[(C)] Scared that I'll [(G)]see you[(D)] hurting [(Em)]You're not hiding anythin[(C)]g And frankly its [(G)]got me [(D)]worried. [(Em)] [(C)] Nobody knows you better than I do, [(G)]I keep my promises, I'm [(D)]fighting for you. (G) [(D)] [(Em)] You're not alone I'll listen till' your tears give out You're safe and sound I [(C)]swear that I wont let you [(G)]down What's hurting you, I,[(D)] feel it too I [(Em)]mean it when I say, when you[(C)] cry I cry with[(G)] you[(D)]. (cry with[(Em)] you)[(C)] [(Em)]I'm not going any plac[(C)]e I just hate to [(G)]see you [(D)]like this [(Em)]No I cant make it go a[(C)]way Oh,[(G)] but keeping it [(D)]inside wont fix it. [(Em)]I cant give you[(C)] every answer that y[(G)]ou need, But I wanna hear ever[(D)]ything you wanna tell me. (G) You're not alone I'll [(D)]listen till' your tears give[(Em)] out You're safe and sound I s[(C)]wear that I wont let you d[(G)]own What's hurting you, I[(D)], feel it too I [(Em)]mean it when I say, when you [(C)]cry I cry with[(G)] you[(D)]. (cry wit[(Em)]h you[(C)]) [(Em)]You need love [(C)]tough enough to count on[(G)], so here I [(D)]am You're not alone I'll [(D)]listen till' your tears give [(Em)]out, You're safe and sound I s[(C)]wear that I wont let you d[(G)]own. What's hurting you[(D)] I feel it to, (Em) (C) (G) *downstrum* I mean it when I say, when you cry I cry. Feed back? c; VIEW FONT SCROLL PRINT SEARCH x Normal Lyrics Chords Tabs ChordPro x Small Medium Large x Pause Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x Text color: Chord color: Chord grids:Images No Images Font size:XS S M L XL Page size:A4 Letter Save settings Print Preview variations - click chord images
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