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Sniper  Harry Chapin


e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-----2--------2------2------2---------2----2------2--------2---------------| G|---2--------2------2------2---------2----2------2--------2-----------------| D|-----------------2----------------------------2----------------------------| A|---------2-------------2---------------2--------------2--------------------| E|-0-------------------------------0-----------------------------------------|
     [A]  [Em]    [A]  [Em]    [A]  [Em]    [A]  [Em]            
[A]It is an e[Em]arly M[G]onday mo[F]rning.

[A]The sun is be[Em]coming bri[G]ght on the l[C]and.

[A]No one is wa[Em]tching as [G]he comes a wa[F]lking.
[C]Two bulky suit[G]cases ha[D]ng from his h[A]ands.
[A]He heads towards the tow[Em]er that sta[G]nds in the c[F]ampus.
[A]He goes through the d[Em]oor, he st[G]arts up the st[C]airs.
[A]The sound of his f[Em]ootsteps, the so[G]und of his bre[F]athing,
[C]The sound of the s[G]ilence but n[D]o one was t[A]here.
[D]  [-]  [Am]   [-]  [D]  [-]  [Am]                      
[D]I didn't really k[Am]now him.
[D]He was kind of s[Am]trange.
[D]Always sort of [Am]sat there.
[D]He never seemed to cha[Am]nge.      [C]  [-]  [Em]   [-]  [A]
[A]He reached the c[Em]atwalk. He [G]put done his [F]burden.
[A]The four sided c[Em]lock beg[G]an to ch[C]ime.
[A]Seven [Em]AM, the d[G]ay is beg[F]inning.
[C]So much to [G]do and s[D]o little t[A]ime.
[A]He looks at the c[Em]ity where n[G]o one had kn[F]own him.
[A]He looks at the [Em]sky where no o[G]ne looks do[C]wn.
[A]He looks at his l[Em]ife and w[G]hat it has sh[F]own him.
[C]He looks for his sh[G]adow it c[D]annot be fo[A]und.
[D]  [-]  [Am]   [-]  [D]  [-]  [Am]                      
[D]He was such a mo[Am]ody child,
[D]very hard to tou[Am]ch.
[D]Even as a ba[Am]by
[D]he never smiled too m[Am]uch.
[C]No no.[F#m] No no.
[F#m]You bug me, she said.
[F#m]Your ugly, she said.
[F#m]Please hug me, I said.
But she just sa[G]t there
[Bm]With the same flat stare
That she sa[G]ves for me alo[Em]ne
[Bm]When I'm home.
When I'm home[G].
[A]Take me home.
[A]He laid out the rif[Em]les, [G]he loaded [F]the shotgun,
[A]He stacked up the ca[Em]rtridges a[G]long the [C]wall.
[A]He knew he would[Em] need them [F]for his[G] conversation.
[C]If it went as it he pl[G]anned, then he m[D]ight use them a[A]ll.
[A]He said Listen you p[Em]eople I[G]'ve got a [F]question
[A]You won't pay at[Em]tention but I'll [G]ask an[C]yhow.
[A]I found a w[Em]ay that will ge[G]t me an ans[F]wer.
[C]Been waiting to a[G]sk you 'till n[D]ow.
[A]Right now!
[A]Am I?
[A]I am a lo[Em]ver whose ne[G]ver been ki[F]ssed.
[A]Am I?
[A]I am a fi[Em]ghter whose n[G]ot made a f[F]ist.
[A]Am I?
[A]If I'm a[Em]live then there's [G]so much I've mis[F]sed.
[C]How do I kn[G]ow I ex[A]ist?
[A]Are you listening to me?
[A]Are you listening to me?
[A]Am I?
[Am]   [-]  [Am/G]     [-]  [Am]   [-]  [Am/G]                  
[A]The first words he s[Em]poke took the t[G]own by su[F]rprise.
[A]One got Mrs. Gib[Em]bons ab[G]ove her right e[F]ye.
[A]It blew her through the wi[Em]ndow wedged h[G]er against the do[F]or.
[C]Reality poured f[G]rom her face, st[D]aining the fl[A]oor.
[D]  [-]  [Am]   [-]  [D]  [-]  [Am]                      
[D]He was kind of c[Am]reepy,
[D]Sort of a [Am]dunce.
[D]I met him at the c[Am]orner bar.
[D]I only dated the p[Am]oor boy once,
That's a[C]ll. Just o[Em]nce, that was a[A]ll.
[A]Bill Whedon was questioned as stepped from his car.
[A]Tom Scott ran across the street but he never got that far.
[A]The police were there in minutes, they set up baricades.
[C]He spoke right on over them in a hal[G]f-mile circle.
In a d[D]umb struck city his poin[C]ted qu[Em]estions were s[Am]prayed.
[Am]   [-]  [Am/G]     [-]  [Am]   [-]  [Am/G]                  
[Am]He knocked over Danny Tyson as he ran towards the noise.
[Am]Just about then the answers started comming. Sweet, sweet joy.
[Am]Thudding in the clock face, whining off the walls,
[Am]Reaching up to where he sat there, answering calls.
[Am]Thirty-seven people got his message so far.
[Am]Yes, he was reaching them right were they are.
[A]They set up an assault team. They asked for volunteers.
[A]They had to go and get him, that much was clear.
[A]And the word spread about him on the radios and TV's.
C G D (optional)
In appropriately sober tone they asked "Who can it be?"

[D]  [-]  [Am]   [-]  [D]  [-]  [Am]                      
[D]He was a very dull b[Am]oy,
[D]very ta[Am]citurn.
[D]Not much of a joine[Am]r,
[D]he did not want to l[Am]earn.
c F#m
No no.No no.

[F#m]They're coming to get me, they don't want to let me
[F#m]Stay in the bright light too lon[G]g.
[F#m]It's getting on noon now, it's goin to be soon now.
[F#m]But oh, what a wonderful sou[G]nd!
[G]Mama, won't you nurse me?
[Em]Rain me down the sw[C]eet milk of your ki[A7]ndness.
[G]Mama, it's getting worse for me.
[Em]Won't you please m[C]ake me warm and min[A7]dless?
[G]Mama, yes you have cursed me.
I n[Em]ever will for[C]give you for your bli[A7]ndness.
[Bm]I hate you!
[A]The wires are all humming for me.
[A]And I can hear them coming for me.
[A]Soon they'll be here, but there's nothing to fear.
[A]Not any more though they've blasted the door.
[Am]   [-]  [Am/G]     [-]  [Am]   [-]  [Am/G]                  
[Am]As the copter dropped the gas he shouted "Who cares?" .
[Am]They could hear him laughing as they started up the stairs.
[Am]As they stormed out on the catwalk, blinking at the sun,
With t[Em]heir final fusillade his an[G]swer had co[Em]me.
[Em]   [-]  [Em/F#]      [-]  [Em/G]     [-]  [Em/Ab]                
[A]Am I?
[A]There is no way that y[Em]ou can hide me.
[A]Am I?
[A]Though you have put your [Em]fire inside me.
[A]Am I?
[A]You've given me my answ[Em]er can't you s[A]ee?        [C#m]
[Bm]I was!
[G]I am!
and [Em]now I Will [C]Be
Chapin chords from

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A A7 Am Bm C C#m D Em Em/Ab Em/F# F F#m G
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