Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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That's Some Dream  Good Old War

This is what I believe to be a correction of the previously posted tab. Thanks
for the initial work!:
[C] [-] [Em] [-] [Gadd5] [-] [G]  
There's a ti[C]me in our li[Em]ves to st[Gadd5]art again on w[G]riting our[C] p[-]ar[Em]ts[-] [Gadd5] [-] [G]
As the st[C]ory goes o[Em]n, it's the ru[Gadd5]le that we rem[G]ember our [C]li[-]ne[Em]s[-] [Gadd5] [-] [G]
I know eve[AM]ryone would w[C]ant me to [Gadd5]say [G]
that I'm n[AM]ot afraid to [C]be alone
I'm gonna li[Gadd5]ve I'm alright, I'm gonna d[D]ie it's alright
I'm o[AM]kay
L[C]ie - D[G]ie - [AM]Die
There's a pl[C]ace in my h[Em]ead that m[Gadd5]ust be called [G]the super [C]mo[-]te[Em]l[-] [Gadd5] [-] [G]
I can st[C]ay the whole ni[Em]ght and th[Gadd5]ink about the [G]girl in he[C]r [-]sh[Em]ell[-] [Gadd5] [-] [G]
I know eve[AM]ryone would w[C]ant me to [Gadd5]say [G]
that I'm n[AM]ot afraid to [C]be alone
Cadd12 (C with 3rd fret on 1st string)
...that's some dream

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Am C D Em G Gadd5
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