Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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The Modern Leper  Frightened Rabbit

The other tabs on here are more accurate to the original way it's played but
I put this up for those of us who are less familiar with drop D tuning,
happier with standard chords and wanted to play this excellent song.
You'll have to work away with the strumming patterns yourself,
particularly with the intro and verses but the chords fit the recording.
Intro and Verse
[D] [G] [D]  

(Play tab above throughout verse)
A cripple walks amongst you all,
you tired human beings
He's got all the things a cripple has
not two working arms and legs
And vital parts fall from his system
and dissolve in Scottish rain
[D]Vitally he doesn't miss them He's too fucked up to [G]care [A]
Is that y[D]ou in front of me[G]? Coming back for ev[A]en more of exactly the s[Bm]ame?
You must b[D]e a masochi[G]st, to love a modern l[A]eper on his last [Bm]leg.
On his l[G]ast leg
Fill (Same as intro x 2 with speeded up rhythm)
(2nd verse same chords as 1st)
I've crippled your heart a hundred times
and still can't work out why
See, I've got this disease, I can't shake and I'm just rattling through life
Well, oh, this is how we do things now,
yeah this is how the modern stay scared
So I cut out all the good stuff Yeah,
I cut off my foot to spite my leg
Is that [D]you in front of [G]me? Coming back for ev[A]en more of exactly the [Bm]same?
You must [D]be a masochis[G]t, to love a modern l[A]eper on his last l[Bm]eg.
[G] I am i[D]ll but I'm not dea[G]d and I don't know w[A]hich of those I'd pre[Bm]fer
Because that l[D]imb which I have lo[G]st, it was the on[A]ly thing holding me[Bm] up
G (strumming rhythm changes) D A Bm G D A Bm G
Holding me uuuuuuuuuuuppp
[D]I'm lying on the ground now and you w[A]alk in through the o[Bm]nly doo[G]r
Well, [D]I have lost my eyesight like I [A]said I would But [Bm]I still kn[G]owwwww
[A] That that is [D]you in front of m[G]e
and you are back for e[A]ven more of exactly the s[Bm]ame [G]
Well, are y[D]ou a masochis[G]t? You love a modern l[A]eper on his last [Bm]leg [G]
You're not i[D]ll and I'm not dea[G]d. Doesn't that mak[A]e us the perfect p[Bm]air?[G]
You should sit with [D]me and we'll start a[G]gain.
And you can tell [A]me all about what you [Bm]did today
What y[G]ou did t[D]oday.

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A Bm D G
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