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Slow Like Honey  Fiona Apple

[Cm7] [Gm] [D#]  
[Gm]yeah, some
[D#]old fires
you came near to me and you endeared
but you couldn?t quite discern me
[D#]that scare you? I?ll let
[Gm]you run away
but your heart will not oblige you
you?ll remember me like a
[Cm]haunt the
[F]world inside
and my big secret
[D#]- Gonna
[D]win you over
[Adim]slow like honey,
[D]heavy with mood
[Gm]i?ll let you see me, I?ll
i?ll invade your demeanor
[Gm]yield to me like a scent in
[Cm]wonder what
[Gm]is about
it?s my big secret
[D]Keeping you
slow like honey, heavy with mood
[Gm]though dreams
[Gm]faces are to hearts
they serve for
[E]fantasy and reality lie
[G#m]too far apart
[E]so I stretch
[E]across, like a bridge
[F#]I pull you to the edge
[E7]and stand there waiting
[D#]trying to
the end
[D#]to satisfy the
[Gm]shall I release you?
must I release
as I
[Cm]to meet my
[D#]but my big
[D#]gonna hover over
[Adim]gonna keep you reaching
when I?m gone like yesterday
when I?m high like heaven
when I?m strong
?cause I?m
[D]slow like
[and]heavy with mood

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A#m7 Adim Cm Cm7 D D# E E7 F F# G# G#dim G#m Gm
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