Christmas in a Chinese Restaurant Diamond Rugs
Official Website:
[F]I ate Chinese food on Xmas day, cause ya [G]kicked me out cause I told the kids
that [F]Santa's sleigh did not exist, but [G]I was drunk and you got pissed...but
[C/G]anyways...have a [F]very [G]merry [C/G]Xmas.[F] [C/G] [F]
[F]Is it worth it now to was on back, [G]I walked on by a dozen times, and [F]that's
no lie, my lips are chapped, my [G]nose is red, my tears are ice...but
[C/G]anyways...[F]Feliz Navidad [G]and all [C/G]that. [F] [C/G] [F]
[F]I'm walkin' through the town square, singin' Xmas carols to [C/G]myself. Well
it's so [F]lonely and it's cold, I cannot feel my toes, but it [D]feels more like
I'm burning in [G]hell.[C/G] [F] [C/G] [F]
[F]How was the turkey? How was the ham? [G]I can't finish my moo goo gai pan,
[F]but that's not all, they cut me off from [G]alcohol...but [C/G]anyways...[F]we go on
and [G]deck the [C/G]halls. [F] [C/G] [F]
[F]I'm walkin' through the town square, singin' Xmas carols to [C/G]myself. Well
it's so [F]lonely and it's cold, I cannot feel my toes, but it [D]feels more like
I'm burning in [G]hell. [C/G] [F] [C/G] [F] [C/G]
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