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Talk About  Dear and the Headlights


TALK ABOUT - Dear and the Headlights

Tabbed by:HoldMeLoveMe
Tuning:Standard-- Capo on 6th Fret

You're like a c[C]onstant crowding consonant
I'm a c[Em]laustrophobic; I, I said
We're as c[Dm]omfortable as wool warming naked indifference
Thank [G]God your words have come to rescue me from my sentence
You're like a [C]two stepping tongue on a flesh dance floor
[Em]You're the eulogy I can't avoid anymore
That [Dm]tumor in my side celebrating malignance:
"Sur[G]prise! I'm moving in; I think I've grown on your parents"
You want to talk about all the feeling I'm feeling
*Riff continued*
I'm a passed out priest in an AA meeting
And they're c[C]hecking my pulse, trying to make a decision
I've got those [C]rolled back eyes but nothing's clouding my vision
You're like a k[Dm]nock at the door in the middle of dinner
From the f[G]riendly registered sex offender
All eq[C]uipped with a mustache and a windowless van
You're telling [Dm]me how much you've changed
I'm trying to hide the crayons and no you can't come [G]in
I'm like your n[C]eighbor's hands on your father's throat:
"Sweetie, y[Em]ou go back inside, see this is just for adults"
So a[Dm]dult is what we'll be, domestic violence in denim
Each t[G]umble down the stairs appeals your puff paint addendum
You say I'm your [C]backpack caught on a chain link fence
But dear I[Em]'m a thank you card in the future tense
I'm j[Dm]umping out of cakes serving divorce papers
I'd s[G]ay I love you too but I'm all out of favors
You want to talk about all the feelings I'm feeling
*Riff continued*
Like your chalkboard wrists but I don't tally the meaning
You keep for[C]getting the plot, let alone the long sleeps
My eyes, they o[C]nly know three words and each is pronounced "Please!?"
And I would w[Dm]alk you home if I could find my crutches
Probably [G]listen more if you didn't talk so much
Why don't you s[C]how yourself out
Ho[Dm]w can you cry now, this whole thing's been such a drought! A[G]lright!
 La-dee-da-dee-da La-dee-da-dee-dee-da-da

 La-dee-da-dee-da La-dee-da-dee-da (Repeat X4) 

[Dm]You want to talk about all the feelings I'm feeling
[G]You're a phone call home after eight long seasons
[Dm]There's a mail order bride and a baby that's teething
[G]Said the smog, it hurts your eyes, so on the next train you're leaving
I'm not c[C]ertain it's the smog, more just the constant grieving
But first you're [C]dropping off the kid, sticking me with the feeding
I said, [Dm]oh God damn it you're so mean
You say I'll [G]lose the Christian crowd if I say things like these
But I've a[C]lready lost them, I couldn't care less
I guess my p[Dm]ath, it just got wide, so I'll just wish you all my narrow best
I guess that's i[G]t
C Em D# Dm G (Repeat, end on C)

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C Dm Em G
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