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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel  David Crowder Band

O Come O Come Emmanuel - David Crowder Band: Oh For Joy
Key - C#m
Capo 4
Intro: Played four times in the intro. Listen to it for the strumming pattern and variations.
It is also played two times through between verses 1 and 2, and 2 and 3.

Verse 1:
O [Am]come o come em[Dm]manu[Am]el and [Am]ransom captive [Dm]Isra[Am]el
That [Dm]mourns in lonely [Am]exile [G]here un[Am]til the son of [Dm]God ap[Am]pear
Re[G]joice re[Am]joice Em[Dm]m - [Em]a - nu[Am]el shall come to thee o [Dm]Isra[Am]el
Verse 2:
O [Am]come thou dayspring [Dm]come and [Am]cheer our [Am]spirits by thine [Dm]advent [Am]here
Dis[Dm]perse the gloomy [Am]clouds of [G]night and [Am]death's dark shadows [Dm]put to [Am]flight
Re[G]joice re[Fmaj7]joice E[Dm]mm - [Em]a - nu[Am]el shall come to thee o [Dm]Isra[Am]el
Verse 3:
O [Am]come desire of [Dm]nations [Am]bind in [Am]one the hearts of [Dm]all man[Am]kind
Bid [Dm]thou our sad di[Am]visions [G]cease, and [Am]be thyself our [Dm]king of [Am]peace
Re[G]joice re[Fmaj7]joice Em[Dm]manu[Am]el shall come to thee o [Dm]Isra[Fmaj7]el
Re[G]joice re[F]joice Emmanuel has [Am]come
Re[G]joice re[F]joice Emmanuel has [Am]come
Re[G]joice re[F]joice Emmanuel has [Am]come[F]
He has [Am]come;[F] He has [Am]come
Verse 1

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Am Dm Em F Fmaj7 G
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