Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Come Awake  David Crowder Band

Be aware that this will NOT sound the same as the song if you don't tune your
guitar a half-step down.
All chords are relevant to the tuning.
To tune a half-step down:
1.Put on capo
2.Tune the guitar to standard tuning
3.Take off capo
Come Awake by David Crowder* Band
Intro/Outro G5 Gmaj9 Cadd9 Em7 D
 e|------- ------- ---3--- ---3--- ---3--- ---3--- ---2---|
 B|--(0)-- --(0)-- ---3--- ---3--- ---3--- ---3--- ---3---|
 G|---0--- ---0--- ---0--- ---2--- ---0--- ---0--- ---2---|
 D|---2--- ---4--- ---0--- ---0--- --(2)-- ---2--- ---0---|
 A|---3--- ---3--- ---x--- ---x--- ---3--- ---2--- -------|
 E|------- ------- ---3--- ---2--- ------- ---0--- -------|

Verse 1: Intro, end on G5
Are we left here on our own?
Can you feel when your last breath is gone?
Pre-chorus 1:
N[Em7]ight is weighing [Cadd9]heavy n[D]ow
[Em7]Be quiet and w[D]ait for a [Cadd9]voice that will s[D]ay
Come aw[G]ake from sle[Gmaj9]ep arise,[C]
You were de[G]ad, now c[Gmaj9]ome alive[C]
Wake up, wake [G]up, o[Gmaj9]pen your eye[C]s
Climb from your gra[G]ve in[Gmaj9]to the light[C]
Bring us back to life[Em7]
Verse 2: Intro, end on G5
You are not the only one
Who feels like the only one
Pre-chorus 2:
N[Em7]ight soon will be [Cadd9]lifted, f[D]riend
Just [Em7]be quiet and [D]wait for the [Cadd9]voice that will [D]say
Come aw[G]ake from s[Gmaj9]leep aris[C]e,
You were d[G]ead, bec[Gmaj9]ome come a[C]live
Wake up, wake [G]up, o[Gmaj9]pen your eye[C]s
Climb from your gr[G]ave i[Gmaj9]nto the deli[C]ght
Bridge/Build-up (3:07-4:05): Just donwstrum Cadd9
Rise, rise, rise...
Alternate chorus:
Shine, shine, Oh, sh[G5]ine[Gmaj9] [Cadd9]
Light will shi[G]ne[Gmaj9] [Cadd9]
Love will ri[G]se[Gmaj9] [Cadd9]
Light will shi[G]ne, sh[Gmaj9]ine, shine, s[Cadd9]hine
You're shinin' on us n[G5]ow
HUZZAH! You did it! Great song, huh?
Hope you found this tab/chord chart helpful, and not too confusing.
{B^D> (

Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.

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C Cadd9 D Em7 G G5 Gmaj9
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Guitar tuning
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