Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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Stars  David Crowder Band

[G]You should see the stars to[C2]night
How they shi[G]mmer n shine so b[C2]right
Against the bl[G]ack the look so wh[C2]ite
Coming d[G]own from such a he[C2]ight
to reach me n[D]ow
to reach me [C2]now
You should s[G]ee the moon in fl[C2]ight
cutting ac[G]ross the misty ni[C2]ght
softly dan[G]cing in sun[C2]shine
reflec[G]tions of its li[C2]ght
reach me n[D]ow, reach me n[C2]ow
[D]How could such a thing
[C2]shine its light on me
[D]and make everything
[C2]beautiful again?
You should feel the sun in spring
coming out after a rain
suddenly all is green
sunshine on everything
I can feel it now, I can feel You now
And how could such a thing
shine its light on me
and make everything beautiful?
And you should hear the angels sing
all gathered 'round their King
more beautiful than you could dream
I've been quietly listening
I can hear 'em now, I hear 'em now
[D]And how could such a King
[C2]shine His light on me
[D]and make everything beau[C2]tiful
and I wanna sh[D]ine, I wanna be a light
I wanna tell you i[C2]t'll be alright
And I wanna sh[D]ine and I wanna fly
just to tell you now it[C2]'ll be alright
It'll be alr[D]ight
it'll be alr[C2]ight[D]
[D]Cause I got nothing on my [C2]own
to give to you
[D]but this light that shines on [C2]me
shines on you
and makes everything beautiful a[C2]gain
it'll be alr[G]ight
it'll be alr[G]ight.

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