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Come and Listen  David Crowder Band

[F] Come and Li[Bb]sten.[F2/A] Come to the [Dm]water?s edge[C] all [Bb]you who[F2/A] know and fear
the [Bb]Lord
[F] Come and Li[Bb]sten.[F2/A] Come to the [Dm]water?s edge[C] all [Bb]you [F2/A] who are
thirsty, [Bb]come
[C] Let me [F]tell you what He [F2/A] has [Bb]done for me
[C] Let me [F]tell you what He [F2/A] has [Bb]done for me
[F2/A] He has do[Bb]ne for you -[F2/A] He has do[Bb]ne for us
[F] Come and [Bb]Listen.[F2/A] Come and [Dm]listen to [C]what He?s [F]done
[F] Come and [Bb]Listen.[F2/A] Come and [Dm]listen to [C]what He?s [F]done
(Inst - F Bb F2/A Dm Bb F2/A Bb)
[C]Praise[F] -- our[F2/A] God for [Bb]He is good (x4)
[F2/A] He has don[Bb]e for me
[F2/A] He has don[Bb]e for you
[F2/A] He has don[Bb]e for us
[F] Come and [Bb]Listen.[F2/A] Come and [Dm]listen to [C]what He?s [F]done
[F] Come and [Bb]Listen.[F2/A] Come and [Dm]listen to [C]what He?s [F]done
Ending chords
[F] [Bb] [F2/A] [Dm] [Bb] [Bb/C] [F]  

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Bb Bb/C C Dm F F2/A
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