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Nancy Spain  Christy Moore

Hey Guy's, I'm new to all of this, so forgive me for any mistakes!
It sounds good to me and I have been using it for years.
My favourite Christy song.
Dedicated to my chara, Cormac O Modhra.
Tunning: Standard
No Capo
[G]Of all the stars that ever shone
[Cadd9]Not one does twinkle li[G]ke your pale blue e[D]yes
[Cadd9]Like golden corn at h[D]arvest time your h[G]air
[G]Sailing in my boat the wind
[Cadd9]Gently bl[G]ows and fills my s[D]ail
[Cadd9]Your sweet-scented b[D]reath is ever[G]ywhere
Daylight peeping through the curtain
Of the passing night time is your smile
And the sun in the sky is like your laugh
Come back to me my Nancy
Linger for just a little while
Since you left these shores I've known no peace
Nor joy
[G]No matter where I wander I'm still ha[Cadd9]unted
by your n[D]ame
The po[Cadd9]rtrait of your be[D]auty stays the s[G]ame
[G]Standing by the ocean wondering w[Cadd9]here you've
gone, if yo[G]u'll return ag[D]ain
[Cadd9]Where is the ring I g[D]ave to Nancy Spa[G]in[Cadd9] [G]
On the day in Spring when snow starts to melt
And streams to flow
With the birds I'll sing this song
Then in the while I'll wander

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