Lovely Chris Tomlin
Lovely - Chris Tomlin
Capo 2
3-0-0-0-3-3 G5
X-3-2-x-3-3 Cadd9
x-x-0-2-3-3 Dsus4
0-2-2-x-3-3 Em7
0-0-2-0-1-3 Am7
0-3-2-0-3-3 Cadd9/E
Verse 1
I [G5]watch Y[Cadd9]our wonders [Dsus4]fill the [Em7]sky
Ov[G5]er the [Cadd9]mountains re[Dsus4]aching hi[Em7]gh
Th[G5]e same [Cadd9]majesty f[Dsus4]loods my l[Em7]ife
[Am7]I sta[Em7]nd in a[Dsus4]we
Chorus 1
[G5]Lovely, there is none more [Cadd9]lovely
[Cadd9]In all the universe, there is no one [G5]lovelie[Dsus4]r
[G5]Worthy, there is none more w[Cadd9]orthy
[Cadd9]I try to find the words, there's so much more [G5]Your wort[Dsus4]hy of
Verse 2
Up[G5] on the [Cadd9]cross with [Dsus4]open arm[Em7]s
Th[G5]e love o[Cadd9]f God reach[Dsus4]es far[Em7]
Th[G5]e same m[Cadd9]ajesty fl[Dsus]oods my [Em7]heart
[Am7]I sta[Em7]nd in [Dsus4]awe
Bridge 1
[Cadd9]As long as I l[G5]ive, [Dsus4]I'll praise You Lord[Cadd9]
Name above [Em7]all, be[Dsus4] lifted high[Cadd9]
All of my [G5]days, I w[Dsus4]orship You[Cadd9]
[Cadd9]I worship You
Bridge 2
[G5]Lovely, You are l[Cadd9]ovely
[Cadd9]There is no one, there is no [G5]one more w[Dsus4]orthy
[G5]You are worth[Cadd9]y
[Cadd9]I try to find the words, ther[G5]e is no one l[Dsus4]ovelier
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