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Lost  Charlie Simpson

[A] [D]  
[A]The sun r[D]ises in the [Bm]east
[A]Then it sets in my[D] heart
Goodbye my love
[A]I told myse[D]lf I loved yo[Bm]u
[A]And again my heart it shi[D]vers
[A]And I know
[A]Help me believe my [D]son
[A]That I don't need any[D]one anymore
[Bm] [E] [D]  
[Bm]Just tell me what is the[E] way that you would take to hold onto[D]
[Bm]'Cause I've been lost, I'v[E]e been lost for so long[D]
[A]You've talked to me enou[D]gh now take this pill[Bm]
[A]'Cause I don't need to love to keep myself still[D]
[A]But I'm still here for you
[A]So we just take off [D]full speed ahead[Bm]
[A]I don't think we need these paths[D]
[A]Can you please just turn yourself aw[D]ay from me now[Bm]
[A]I just can't look at you anymore[D]
[Bm] [E] [D]  
[Bm]Just tell me what is the[E] way that you would take to hold onto[D]
[Bm]'Cause I've been lost, I'v[E]e been lost for so long[D]
[Bm]'Cause I've been lost, I'v[E]e been lost for so long[D]

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A Bbm Bm D E
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