Rocky Raccoon The Beatles
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Intro: Am7
Now so[Am7]mewhere in the black mining hills out Dakota
There lives a young boy named Rocky Racco[D7]on-a
[G7]And one day his woman ran off with an[C]other guy, [C/B]hit young Rocky in the [Am]eye...
Rocky didn't like that, he said, "I'm gonna [D9]get [-]that [D7]boy."
So one d[G7]ay he walked into town and booked himself a room in the l[C]ocal saloon.[C/B]
A [Am7]Rocky Racoon checked i[D9]nto [-]his r[D7]oom, [G7]only to find Gideon's B[C]ibl[C/B]e
R[Am7]ocky had come eq[D9]uipped wi[-]th a [D7]gun, to s[G7]hoot off the legs of his r[C]ival. [C/B]
His r[Am7]ival, it seems, had b[D9]roken [-]his dr[D7]eams, by st[G7]ealing the girl of his f[C]ancy [C/B]
Her [Am7]name was McGill, and she c[D9]alled h[-]erself '[D7]Lil' , but e[G7]veryone knew her as N[C]ancy. [C/B]
Now [Am7]she and her man, who c[D9]alled h[-]imself D[D7]an, were [G7]in the next room at the h[C]oedown[C/B]
R[Am7]ocky burst in, and g[D9]rinning [-]a g[D7]rin, he said, "Da[G7]nny boy, this is a sh[C]owdown[C/B]."
But D[Am7]aniel was hot, he d[D9]rew firs[-]t and s[D7]hot, and R[G7]ocky coll[G]apsed in the c[C]orner.[C/B]
[Am7] [D9-D7] [G7] [C] [C/B]
[Da-n-da] [da] [da-n-da] [da] [da]
Now the [Am7]doctor came in s[D9]tinkin[-]g of [D7]gin, and proc[G7]eeded to lie on the t[C]able. [C/B]
He said, "R[Am7]ocky, you met your match." but Rockey said, "[D9]Doc, it's on[-]ly a scr[D7]atch.
And I'll be b[G7]etter... I'll be better Doc as soon as I'm a[C]ble." [C/B]
Now [Am7]Rocky Raccoon, he fell b[D9]ack in [-]his r[D7]oom, [G7]only to find Gideon's b[C]ible[C/B].
G[Am7]ideon checked out, and he l[D9]eft it [-]no d[D7]oubt, to h[G7]elp with good Rocky's rev[C]ival. [C/B]
Am7 D9-D7 G7 C C/B 3x
[Da-n-da] [da] [da-n-da] [da] [da]
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