While My Guitar Gently Weeps Acoustic Beatles
I [Dm]look at you [Dm/C]all see the [G7]love there that's [Bb]sleeping
[Dm] While my gui[C]tar gently [G]weeps [A]
I [Dm]look at the [Dm/C]floor and I [G7]see it needs [Bb]sweeping
[Dm] Still my gui[Dm/C]tar gently [F]weeps [A]
[D] I don't know [F#]why [Bm]nobody [F#]told you
[Em] How to un[Em7]fold your [A]love [A]
[D] I don't know [F#]how [Bm]someone con[F#]trolled you
[Em] They bought and [Em7]sold [A]you [A]
I [Dm]look at the [Dm/C]world and I [G7]notice it's [Bb]turning
[Dm] While my gui[C]tar gently [G]weeps [A]
With [Dm]every mis[Dm/C]take we must [G7]surely be [Bb]learning
[Dm] Still my gui[Dm/C]tar gently [F]weeps [A]
[D] I don't know [F#]how [Bm]you were di[F#]verted
[Em] You were per[Em7]verted [A]too [A]
[D] I don't know [F#]how [Bm]you were in[F#]verted
[Em] No one a[Em7]lerted [A]you [A]
I [Dm]look from the [Dm/C]wings at the [G7]play you are [Bb]staging
[Dm] While my gui[C]tar gently [G]weeps [A]
As [Dm]I'm sitting [Dm/C]here doing [G7]nothing but [Bb]aging
[Dm] Still my gui[Dm/C]tar gently [F]weeps [A]
Dm | Dm/C | G7
Dm | Caad9 (x4)
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