Testify to Love Avalon
Testify to Love by Avalon
Tuning: 1 fret dwn *Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb*
Verse 1
[E]All the colors of the [B]rainbow, [C#m]all the voices of the w[A]ind,
[E]Every dream that reaches [B]out, that reaches [C#m]out to find where love b[A]egan,
Every word of every [B]story, [C#m]every star in every s[A]ky,
[F#m]Every c[E]orner of c[A]reation, l[B]ives to t[E]estify.
[E]For as long as I shall [B]live, I will testify to [C#m]love,
[C#m]I'll be a witness to the s[A]ilences, when words are not e[E]nough,
[E]And with every breath I [B]take, I will give thanks to god [C#m]above,
For as long as [A]I shall [B]live, I will testify to [E]love.
Verse 2
[E]From the mountains to the [B]valleys, [C#m]from the rivers to the s[A]ea,
[E]Every hand that reaches [B]out, every [C#m]hand that reaches out to offer p[A]eace,
Every simple act of [B]mercy, [C#m]every step the kingdom co[A]me,
[F#m]Every h[E]ope in every h[A]eart will, s[B]peak what love has d[E]one.
Colors of the rainbow
Voices of the wind
Dream that reaches out
Where love Begins
Word of every story
Star of every sky
Corner of creation
Chorus (key change)* or capo 2 and play as per above
[F#]For as long as I shall l[C#]ive, I will testify to lo[D#m]ve,
I'll be a witness to the[B] silences, when words are not[F#] enough,
[F#]And with every breath I t[C#]ake, I will give thanks to god ab[D#m]ove,
[D#m]For as long as I shall [B]live, I will [C#]testify to lo[F#]ve.
Chorus X2(key changes back)
First tab =) constructive comments are welcome..
Im not sure of the bridge though.
God bless!!
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