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Dedication  Asking Alexandria

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Key: Eb
Tuning: Standard EADGBe
Chords used:
Cm - x35543
Bb - x13331
[G#] [-] [466544]  
Verse: Danny Worsnop speaks about the death of his grandfather
[G#] You'll never really find
those perfect words
[Bb] Something more
than just[Cm] "Goodbye"[Bb]
It's [G#]hard to remember the good
times when there's just
so much heartache
[Bb] but they deserve more than that
[Cm] They deserve more than just
one single moment of [Bb]sadness
So just remember[G#] that when
there's enough love in our hearts
It burns like a [Bb]fucking supernova
[Cm] And there sure is enough love
in our heart to s[Bb]mile
that famous smile
[G#] We all lose someone at
some point in our lives
[Bb] but don't ever let go
of that s[Cm]mile
Hold on forever[Bb] Because
that's our final dedication

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Bb Cm G#
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