Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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A Prophecy  Asking Alexandria

this song is done in an acustic guitar. i might do i video in how its played in
youtube.if u think the tab need correction make sure to post a comment:)
[E5] [Csus4] [Fsus2]  
[Csus4] [Fsus2] [D9] [Fsus2] 
How [Csus4]stubborn are the scars when they won't fade away?
[Csus4] [Fsus2] [D9] [Fsus2] 
Or [Csus4]just a gentle reminder that now are better days?
[Dsus4]We'll be home soon, s[Asus4]o dry your eyes
[Fsus2]You'll be ok[Csus4]ay,
[Fsus2]You'll be ok[Csus4]ay
[Csus4]Oh My God[Fsus2]
[D9]The water is r[Csus4]ising, [D9]its ris[Csus4]ing
[Csus4]You just have to b[Fsus2]elieve in me[Csus2]
[D9]Failing that I'll [Csus4]ride this storm al[Fsus2]one
[D9]We can still make it out
[Csus4]I can help you t[Fsus2]hrough this
[Csus4]But you have to [D9]take my [Fsus2]hand
[D9]I can take you [Fsus2]home
[D9]Take my hand[Fsus2]
[D9]Take my hand[Fsus2]
[Dsus2]I should've known the t[Asus4]ides are getting[Csus4] higher
[Dsus4]We can st[Fsus2]ill surv[Csus4]ive[Fsus2]
[Dsus4]They think we're drowning bu[Asus2]t our heads are still ab[Dsus4]ove the w[Fsus2]aves
[Fsus2]Above the w[Csus4]aves
[Dsus2]I should've known the t[Asus4]ides are getting[Csus4] higher
[Dsus4]We can st[Fsus2]ill surv[Csus4]ive[Fsus2]
[Dsus4]Above the[Fsus2] waves
[Dsus2]I should've known the t[Asus4]ides are getting[Csus4] higher
[Dsus2]I should've known the t[Asus4]ides are getting[Csus4] higher
[Dsus4]We can st[Fsus2]ill surv[Csus4]ive[Fsus2]
[D9]You never [Csus4]said goodbye (Go[Fsus2]odbye)
[D9]You never [Csus4]said goodbye (Go[Fsus2]odbye)
[D9]You never [Csus4]said goodbye (Go[Fsus2]odbye)
[D9]You never [Csus4]said goodbye (Go[Fsus2]odbye)
[D9]And now y[Fsus4]our on your o[Csus2]wn
[D9]You never [Csus4]said goodbye[Fsus2]
[D9]You never [Csus4]said goodbye[Fsus2]

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Asus2 Asus4 Csus2 Csus4 D9 Dsus2 Dsus4 E5 Fsus2 Fsus4
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