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Another Little Hole  Aqualung

Standard Tuning
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Intro: Em Bm Em Bm DMadd4 DMadd4 DMadd4 DMadd4 2x
Verse 1
[Em] No need[Bm] to tell her[Em] she knows[Bm] that there a[DMadd4]nother little hole in her
[Em] Each day[Bm] each dollar[Em] she knows[Bm] it tears a[DMadd4]nother little hole in her heart
[Em] 'Cos she feels[Bm] it happen[Em] no doubt[Bm] that theres a[DMadd4]nother little hole in her
heart, a[Am7]nother little hole in her heart
The [CM]day is bre[GM]aking and [DM]time is ta[Em]king the [CM]love were ma[GM]king awa[Am7]y
This [CM]life can o[GM]nly [DM]leave us lon[Em]ely [GM]theres [CM]no tomm[GM]orow
Just a[Am7]nother little hole in her heart, [DM] yeah[Em]
Verse 2 Intro: Em Bm Em Bm DMadd4 DMadd4 DMadd4 DMadd4 2x
[Em] No need[Bm] to tell me[Em] i know[Bm] that theres a[DMadd4]nother little tear in my eye
[Em] I'm quite[Bm] aware[Em] i see[Bm] thats there a[DMadd4]nother little tear in my eye
Do you [Em]ask yourself [Bm]why should we [Em]ask oursleves [Bm]why
Is there [Dmadd4]any point in wondering why, [Am7]any point in wondering why
The [CM]day is bre[GM]aking and [DM]time is t[Em]aking the [CM]love were ma[GM]king awa[Am7]y
This [CM]life can o[GM]nly [DM]leave us lo[Em]nely [GM]theres [CM]no tomm[GM]orow
Just a[Am7]nother little tear in my eye, a[CM]nother little tear in my e[DM]ye
[Am7] A[CM]nother little tear in my e[DM]ye, yeah[Em] [Bm] [Em] [Bm]
I don't[DMadd4] know i don't know i don't know i don't i don't[Em] kn[Bm]ow[Em] [Bm]
I don't [DMadd4]know i don't know i don't know i don't i don't [Em]kno[Bm]w[Em] [Bm]
I don't [DMadd4]know i don't know i don't know i don't [CM]know i don't [Am7]know
i don't know i don't know i don't i don't know
The [CM]day is bre[GM]aking and [DM]time is ta[Em]king the [CM]love were ma[GM]king awa[Am7]y [GM]
the [CM]gods have sp[GM]oken the [DM]spell is br[Em]oken[GM] and [CM]love will te[GM]ar us
[Am7]love will tear us apart
[GM] This [CM]life can o[GM]nly [DM]leave us lo[Em]nely [GM]theres [CM]no tomm[GM]orow
Just a[Am7]nother little hole in my heart a[CM]nother little hole in my he[DM]art
[Am7] A[CM]nother little hole in my he[DM]art
[Am7] I Don't [CM]know i don't know i don't [DM]know i don't i don't [Em]kno[Bm]w[Em] [Bm]
[DMadd4] [DMadd4] [DMadd4] [DMadd4]  
[Em] [Bm] [Em] [Bm] [DMadd4] [DMadd4] [DMadd4] [DMadd4]  

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Am7 Bm Cm Dm Dmadd4 Dmadd4 Em Gm
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