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Time Moves Slow  Aqualung

Album : Magnetic North
Transcription: Amsteen
[G]Leaving on time
Gone to look[C] for a place to s[Am]tand
[D]And watch the world pass by
[G]Living on a smile
There's nothing you n[C]eed to explain Where [Am]no one knows your name
[D]And that suits me fine
[G]Once I was young, I was st[C]upid And su[D]re of m[C]yself
[G]The truth is the word that[C] Gets hard[D]er and hard[C]er to spell
[G]Maybe tomorrow I'l[C]l wake up And all will be [D]well[C]
[G]But time m[C]oves sl[D]ow
[G]Sleeping lay my body down
Dream a dream where [C]everything You[Am] lost can still [D]be found
[G]Escaping laying my body down
All the weig[C]ht of my skin it goes
[Am]At the great unknown
[D]It's all uneven now
[G]Once I was hot, I was [C]hungry I knew[D] I was rig[C]ht
[G]It's easy to do if you[C]'re wearing You[D]r wounds thr[C]own inside out
[G]?? Stretchi[C]ng o[D]ut b[C]ack
[G]But time mo[C]ves sl[D]ow
[G]I'm leaving for a world
Gone to loo[C]k for a[Am] place to stand
[D]And watch the pass go by
[G]Remember, remember,[C] you told me Yo[D]u'd be alw[C]ays be mine
We run, we run, we run, we run
We run, we run, we run, we run
[G]Tomorr[C]ow w[D]ake u[C]p ?? Make up my mind
[G]But tim[C]e move[D]s slow

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Am C D G
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