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Good Morning Sunshine  Aqua

Intro:Dm C Bb Gm
[Dm] When the sun is up,[C] on a clear blue sky,[Bb]
you will ac[Gm]t like a lover[Dm] When the sky is grey,[C]
and the rain comes down[Bb], you will r[Gm]un for cover
[Dm]Feel the heat[C], come out of cold,[Bb]
and your [C]arm is touching me
[F]Good morning sunshine, you're[Am] my only light
[Eb]lying with me by my [Bb]side, you [Bbm]keep me warm all day[Eb]
Just stay with me
[F]Good morning sunshine, be with [Am]me all day
Just d[Eb]on't let the rain pass you [Bb]by When it's [Gm]cloudy and windy
and the [Am]snowflakes arrive, you [Bb]somehow just make me,[Bbm]
make me feel I'm [Dm]alive
During the rap play Gm fot one measure then and C for one measure

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Am Bb Bbm C Dm Eb F Gm
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