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Goodbye to the Circus  Aqua

[Cm] It's time to [G]turn off the light
[Cm] This has been such a[G] beautiful night
[Cm] We've served you a[G] lot of delights
[Cm] And some really w[G]onderful sights
My [Ab]friend, this is the [Bb]end
So long and [Eb]see you [Bb]soon agai[Cm]n[Gm]
Bye [Ab]bye, kissing you [Gm]hi
someday we [Fm]will be back to[Bb]gether
[Eb]Goodbye to the c[Gm]ircus
We [Ab]hope you enjoyed the [Bb]show
[Ab]Now it's nearly [Eb]at the end
But it [Ab]will be [Bb]back, you [Eb]know
It [Ab]will be [Bb]back, you [Eb]kno[Bb]w[Cm] [Gm]
It [Ab]will be [Bb]back, you [Eb]know
The [Cm]band played on, from [Bb]dusk to dawn
And [Ab]time is almost [Eb]gone[Bb]
The [Cm]beat goes on, it's [Bb]almost done
This [Ab]music marat[Eb]hon[Bb]
I[Ab]t will b[Bb]e back, yo[Eb]u k[Bb]now[Cm] [Gm]
It [Ab]will be [Bb]back, you [Eb]know

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Ab Bb Cm Eb Fm G Gm
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