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Burden  Amos Lee

Burden - Amos Lee
Mountains of Sorrow, Rivers of Song.
Capo 3rd Fret
[G]I never meant to [G7]be a bur[C]den
Oh I just w[G]orry more than I'd like[D] to
[G]I never meant to [G7]be a burde[C]n
Please fo[G]rgive me if I've we[D7]ighed on[G] y[(C)]ou[G]
[G]For so long I have lived amongst the s[D]hadows
[D]Waiting for the sun to break on[G] t[(C)]hrou[G]gh
[G]Oh it's time I cast my o[G7]ars and head ou[C]t on these shores
And f[G]ind some place where I[D7] can start a[G]ne[(C)]w[G]
I nev[G]er meant to b[G7]e a burde[C]n
Oh I just wor[G]ry more than I'd like [D]to
[G]I never meant to [G7]be a burde[C]n
Please fo[G]rgive me if I've we[D7]ighed on [G(C)G]you
Oh fo[C]rgive if I've weighed upon your back
It's so heavy alre[G]ady without me[D7]
Going ahe[C]ad into this abyss and find my own way out of this
So you[D] can walk ahead more [D7]easily
Interlude: G G7 C G D G G7 C G D7 G(C)G
[G]I never meant[G7] to be a burd[C]en
But y[G]ou're the light that is guiding me thr[D]ough
I ne[G]ver meant to [G7]be a burde[C]n
Ple[G]ase forgive me if I've w[D7]eighed on yo[G(C)G]u
[G]Please forgive me if I'v[D7]e weighed on[G(C)G] you
[G]Please forgive me if I'v[D7]e weighed on[G(C)G] you

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C D D7 G G7
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