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Tin Man  America

Tin Man chords
America 1974 (Dewey Bunnell)
D7sus4 D7 *
Gmaj7 Cmaj7 2x
[Gmaj7]Sometimes late when things are [Cmaj7]real
And people share the [Gmaj7]gift of gab between them[Cmaj7]selves
[Gmaj7]Some are quick to take the [Cmaj7]bait
And catch the perfect [Gmaj7]prize that waits among the [Cmaj7]shells
Cmaj7 Bm **
But Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he [Cmaj7]didn't, didn't already [Bm]have
And [Cmaj7]Cause never was the reason for the [Bm]evening
Or the [Cmaj7]tropic of Sir Gala[Bm]had.
So [D7]please believe in me
When I [Gmaj7]say I'm spinning round, round, round, round
[Cmaj7]Smoke glass stain bright color
[Gmaj7]Image going down, down, down, down
[Cmaj7]Soap suds green like bubbles
[Gmaj7]oooh [Cmaj7]oooh 2x
Cmaj7 Bm **
Oh Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he [Cmaj7]didn't, didn't already [Bm]have
And [Cmaj7]Cause never was the reason for the [Bm]evening
Or the [Cmaj7]tropic of Sir Gala[Bm]had.
So [D7]please believe in me
When I [Gmaj7]say I'm spinning round, round, round, round
[Cmaj7]Smoke glass stain bright color
[Gmaj7]Image going down, down, down, down
[Cmaj7]Soap suds green like bubbles
[Gmaj7]oooh [Cmaj7]oooh 2x
Cmaj7 Bm **
No Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he [Cmaj7]didn't, didn't already [Bm]have
And [Cmaj7]Cause never was the reason for the [Bm]evening
Or the [Cmaj7]tropic of Sir Gala[Bm]had.
So [D7]please believe in me
[Gmaj7]oooh [Cmaj7]oooh . . . . .
*D7sus4 = D7 + high E string, 3rd fret
Gmaj7 = Low E string, 2nd fret + A string, 2nd fret = high E string, 2nd fret
Cmaj7 = D string, 2nd fret + A string, 3rd fret
** or Bm7

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Bm Cmaj7 D7 Gmaj7
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