Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass All Time Low
[E] [B]
They [E]told me I was [G#m]lucky
To [C#m]have my chance with y[A]ou
Now [E]last year's summer [G#m]romance
Is [C#m]this year's winter bl[A]ues
I tr[E]eated you so n[G#m]icely
To j[C#m]ewelry and cham[A]pagne
But you l[E]eft me empty ha[G#m]nded, yeah
You [C#m]left me feelin' [A]plain[B]
[E]Now I hope you're
[A]Happy with y[G#m]ourself cuz
[F#m]I'm not
[B]laughing. Don't you th[A]ink it's
[G#m]Kind of
[C#m]Crappy what you did this [F#m]holi[B]day?
When I g[E]ave you my heart
You r[A]ipped it [G#m]apart like wrapping paper [C#m]trash[B]
So I w[A]rote you a song,
Hope that you sing along and it goes M[F#m]erry Christmas[B]
Kiss my[E] ass.
They [E]say I'm losing [G#m]my mind
I t[C#m]hought that for a wh[A]ile
I te[E]ar down decor[G#m]ations they
Re[C#m]mind me of your sm[A]ile
I ha[E]te that mistle[G#m]toe it makes me
[C#m]Think of our first [A]kiss
You [E]bit my lip, you p[G#m]ulled me close
And then you t[C#m]aught me how to [A]quit[B]
[E]Now I hope you're
[A]Happy with y[G#m]ourself cuz
[F#m]I'm not
[B]laughing. Don't you th[A]ink it's
[G#m]Kind of
[C#m]Crappy what you did this [F#m]holi[B]day?
When I g[E]ave you my heart
You r[A]ipped it [G#m]apart like wrapping paper [C#m]trash[B]
So I w[A]rote you a song,
Hope that you sing along and it goes M[F#m]erry Christmas[B]
Kiss my[C#m] ass.
[C#m]So sick of calling, you [C]won't telephone me
No f[C#m]*** you girl, I'm going[F#m] out.
I g[A]ave you my all, but our l[B]ove hit a w[C]all, now
[C#m]I'm jingle belling and [C]everyone's yelling
We'll [C#m]drink til the bars shut us [F#m]down
[A]Ain't that just what Christmas is all a[B]bout?
[E]Now I hope you're
[A]Happy with y[G#m]ourself cuz
[F#m]I'm not
[B]laughing. Don't you th[A]ink it's
[G#m]So damn
[C#m]Trashy what you did this [F#m]holi[B]day?
When I g[E]ave you my heart
You r[A]ipped it [G#m]apart like wrapping paper [C#m]trash[B]
So I w[A]rote you a song,
Hope that you sing along and it goes M[F#m]erry Christmas, b[B]itch,
Kiss my ass.[E]
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