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You See Me Crying  Aerosmith

Intro: (Asus-Am F C) x2 (Asus-Am F C) x2 G7sus /G-/A-/B-C
Y[C]ou[-/B-/A] see me c[G]ry-in[Am]g, do[G]n't let it g[F]et you down[G-F/A-G/B-C]
Y[C]ou[-/B-/A] see me c[G]ry-[Em]ing[Am], I'm b[G]ack to the l[F]ost and found[G-F/A-G/B-]
[C]Honey, what you d[F/C]one to your h[F]ead, h[Bb]oney, what's the [Eb/Bb]words that I s[Eb]aid[-D]
[C]Honey, what you d[F/C]one to your h[F]ead, h[Bb]oney, what's the [Eb/Bb]words that I s[Eb]aid[-D]
[G] [C/G] [F-C/E-G/D-C]  
 C -/B-/A G-E/G#-Am G F G-F/A-G/B-C

You see me cry-ing, say you're a ladies man
Y[C]ou[-/B-/A] see me c[G]ry-[Em]ing[Am], s[G]o hard to u[F]nderstand[G-F/A-G/B-]
[C]Honey, what you d[F/C]one to your h[F]ead, h[Bb]oney, what's the [Eb/Bb]words that I s[Eb]aid[-D]
[C]Honey, what you d[F/C]one to your h[F]ead, h[Bb]oney, what's the [Eb/Bb]words that I s[Eb]aid[-D]
[G] [C/G] [G7] [C/G] [G] [C/G] [F-C/E-G/D-C]  
 C -/B-/A G-E/G#-Am G F G-F/A-G/B-C

You see me cry-ing, please say you'll stick around
And[G/D-C/E] I got [-F]to [-G] be your [E/G#]lover, h[Am]oney, let me t[G]ake ya to t[F]own
[Em]And I'[-]ll sh[Dm]ow you everyt[Em]hing [-]aro[F]und[Em], and I'[-]ll n[Dm]ever ever [Em]let [-]you d[F]own
[Em]'Caus[-]e my l[D]ove is like a m[G]erry-go-r[C]ound[Cm7] [C] [Cm7] [C] [Cm7]
 Solo: (G C/G G7 C/G) x3 G C/G F-C/E-G/D-C C-/B-/A-G E/G# Am G F G-F/A-G/B-

[C] [-/B-/A] [G] [Em] [Am] [G] [F] [G-F/A-G/B-]  
[C]Honey, what you d[F/C]one to your h[F]ead, h[Bb]oney, what's the [Eb/Bb]words that I s[Eb]aid[-D]
[C]Honey, what you d[F/C]one to your h[F]ead, h[Bb]oney, what's the [Eb/Bb]words that I s[Eb]aid[-D]
Solo: (G C/G G7 C/G) x3 G C/G F-C/E-G/D-C (Asus-Am F C) x4 F/C C
Odd Chords and Changes (how I do these, or pick your own)
[F/C] [F] [Bb] [Eb/Bb] [Eb] [D] [G] [C/G] [G7]  

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Am Bb C C/G Cm7 D Dm E/G# Eb Em F F/C G G7
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