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Somebody Wishes They Were You  Adelitas Way

Intro: C#m, E, B, A
Verse 1:
[C#m]Paralyzed and you [E]don't know why
[B]Feeling like somebody's [A]fool[A/G#]
[C#m]Try to find some [E]peace of mind
[B]Maybe you're hiding the [A]truth[B]
[A]Thought it'd [B]be better in a [E]worl[C#m]d so cold
[A]But I want to [B]tell you
[F#5]What I've been told
Chorus 1:
[E]Life ain't that [B]bad
Look what you [C#m]have
[E]Yeah, [B]Yeah
[A]When the high's aren't so [B]high
Just do what you [C#m]can
[E]Yeah, [B]Yeah
[A]A world you can [B]change and
A [C#m]life [B]you [A]choose
F# (It sounds like a 7, but musically it should be minor..)
Cuz somewhere out there,
[B]Somebody wishes they were you
Turn Around(Same As Intro)
Verse 2 (Same as Verse 1)
Ending (Its a C# Minor)
I just realized I didnt do the bridge, so i'll upload this and go back and finish it.
But its just A, B, C#m i think. It has an F# building into the final chorus. Ill go finish it.

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A A/G# B C#m E F#5
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