Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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One Last Song  A1

This is my first tabs! So there might be a few mistakes, and my english isn't
very perfect so, sorry!! I didn't find the Bridge, so if you do, and if you make
corections...let me know!! Thank you!
Take my ha[C]nd, touch my [G]face
Let me [F]feel your [G]embrace
Let me [C]see in your [G]eyes
That yo[F]u won?t say [G]goodbye
[Dm]Just tell me how you fe[G]el
[Dm]I don?t know what you?re t[G]hinking anymore
And if you n[C]eed me, you?d k[G]iss me
Then t[F]ell me how you f[G]eel
And if you w[C]ant me, you?d s[G]how me
That y[F]our love is for [G]real
And if you l[C]ove me
You?d h[G]old me in your a[F]rms where [G]I belong
So w[F]hile I?m feeling str[G]ong
I si[F]ng you one last s[C]ong
Same as first:
Let me ask time has passed
Do you feel this could last
If you don?t, why then stay
Take your wings, fly away
I love you way too much
To wanna be the one who brings you down
One last song I sing for you
Like I always did
This time it?s for real
I never come to you like this
Expecting you to turn my kiss
Oh no no no no no
Oh yeah
I s[F]ing you one last s[C]ong
I s[F]ing you one last s[C]ong

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C Dm F G
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