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Waiting for Daylight  A1

A1 - Waiting for Daylight
Intro: Cm - G# - Eb x2
Vers 1:
[Cm]I mi[G#]ss your b[Eb]reathing[-] [Bb/D]
[Cm]When [G#]sleep doesn't [Eb]come[-] [Bb/D]
[Gm]I cant h[G#]elp pretending you'll be h[Bbsus]ome
[Cm]I ca[G#]nt face the f[Eb]utur[-]e [Bb/D]
[Cm]Now yo[G#]ur in the p[Eb]ast [-] [Bb/D]
[Gm]Seems all of the b[G#]est things never [Bbsus]last
But theres [Fm]no use in c[Bb]rying
[Eb]Theres no point d[Cm]enying
[Fm]I'm waiting for da[Bb]ylight to co[Eb]me
They say i get through this
But how could they know
How can I make it on my own
Your here in the shadow
You cover my heart
And I hear you whisper in the dark
But theres [Fm]no use in c[Bb]rying
[Eb]Theres no point d[Cm]enying
[Fm]I'm waiting for da[Bb]ylight to co[Eb]me
[Cm]I don't wanna let you g[F]o
But in t[G#]ime
But in ti[Bbsus]me
[Cm]I'll wake up for all I kno[F]w
[G#]I'll be fin[Bb]e
But theres [Fm]no use in c[Bb]rying
[Eb]Theres no point d[Cm]enying
[Fm]I'm waiting for da[Bb]ylight to co[Eb]me

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Bb Bb/D Bbsus Cm Eb F Fm G# Gm
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