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Welcome Back  Love Song

Lyrics and Music by Chuck Girard
on Love Song
[E7]Wel - [E9/13]come [A]back
[E7]Wel - [E9/13]come [A]back
[Amaj7]Welcome [Bm7]back
[E7]Wel - [E9/13]come [A]back
[E7]Welcome back to the t[E9/13]hings that you once believed [A]in
[E7]Welcome back to what you k[E9/13]new was right from the s[A]tart
[Amaj7]All you had to do was to be what you always have w[Bm7]anted to be
[E7]Welcome back to the l[E9/13]ove that is in your h[A]eart
[Amaj7]I know that you thought you could turn your b[A7]ack
And no one could see in your m[D]ind
But I can see that you know b[A]etter now
You n[Fm]ever were the untru[B7]thful kind[B7sus4]
[B7]Yeah, and I'm so h[D]appy now to w[E7]elcome you b[A]ack
[E7]Welcome [E9/13]back, ah[A]
[E7]Welcome [E9/13]back, ah[A]
[Amaj7]Sometimes you just don't know what you're missing till you le[Bm7]ave it for awhile
[E9]Wo, oh, oh, welcome[A] back
[E7]Wel - [E9/13]come [A]back
[E7]Wel - [E9/13]come [A]back, welcome back to Jesus
[E7]Wel - [E9/13]come [A]back
Transcribed by Joshua R. Martinez
If there are any classic CCM that you wish to have chords to, e-mail
your request to me.
God bless you.

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A A7 Amaj7 B7 B7sus4 Bm7 D E7 E9 Fm
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