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Lemonade  Human

by: "Human"
album: "(don't know, I tabbed it off of a pre release)"
written by: "Human (see album)"
from: ""
(C) (see album, if some could tell me what it is so this is legal)
I tabbed this off the "Mindy's Revenge" pre-release.
Check it out it's great. Some of the words may be wrong because
I don't have the lyrics.
opening rift:

(hit each note about 7 times, repeat twice.
start verse, play during first two lines)
Wait for the phone to ring, reruns on the TV
cold pizza on the plate, nothing new all day.
[F#]I have bee[E]n so (word I can't understand),
[A]can't see c[B]lear won't do anything
[F#]I feel my[E] feet a[A]re stuck in the muck
[B]can't get a move on out of here.
[C#]I know[A] its tru[B]e life's[F#] not always fair
[C#]I know[A] for m[E]e I don't [F#]always care
[C#]If life,[A] it was ju[B]st[F#] a bag of lemons
[C#]then lear[A]n to ma[E]ke le[F#]monade
(Opening rift once, then for two lines)
I've been to hell and back, I didn't like what I found there
the carpet was too dark needed just a bit more air
[F#]I've seen the[E] good and bad,
[A]I understand[B] God loves this broken man
[F#]with all that[E] I've been thro[A]ugh I've made due
[B]I'm gonna move on outta here
Chorus: lemonade...
[C#]I know[A] for yo[B]u life's not a[F#]lways fair
[C#]I know[A] for me[E] I'm not [F#]always there
[C#]If life[A], it wa[B]s j[F#]ust a bag of lemons
[C#]then learn t[A]o make[E] lem[F#]onade.
 (opening rift twice, then A-16-15-16-15-16-15-16 hit each same as

before except the last one hold it for two cycles)
just make lemonade...lemon-lemonade
(opening rift once, then:
 A-16--18--19--21-------------- you can change to the D string 

earlier if you can't reach the 21st. play each the same amount of
times except last play it two cycles)
just make lemonade...lem[C#]onade...lemonade!
Tabbed by Graham Buck

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