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Punks Attack  The Unseen

Track: 4
F5 (133xxx)
C5 (x355xx)
A5 (577xxx)
G5 (355xxx)
B5 (x244xx)
F2 (x8-10-10xx)
G2 (x10-12-12xx)
Intro: F2 G2 C5 F5
[F2] [G2] [C5]  
Verse 1:
[C5]They all said we'd go away
We grow in numbers everyday[A5] [G5]
[C5]Rebellion can't be quelled for long
Someday we'll come back twice as strong[A5] [G5]
[C5]While your pockets are getting thick
You're gonna get a brick[A5] [G5]
[C5]When it's time for you to die
I'll look right in the eye[A5] [G5]
When the p[F2]unks att[G2]ack, we'll h[C5]ave you're [F5]back
[F2]Twenty years g[G2]one and we ain't done s[C5]h*t
When the p[F2]unks att[G2]ack, better [C5]watch your [F5]back
[F2]Cause there's a b[G2]rick with your name on i[C5]t
Keep playing C5 going into the second verse
Verse 2: play like verse 1
This isn't just an idle threat
I swear you ain't seen nothing yet
Lets keep the feeling on the street
Where it belongs, it's where we meet
The youth are selling drugs, committing crime
But that will only get you time
Direct your anger towards their hate
I'm pro-violence against the state
When the p[F2]unks at[G2]tack, we'll h[C5]ave your b[F5]ack
[F2]Twenty years [G2]gone and we ain't done s[C5]h*t
When the p[F2]unks att[G2]ack, better [C5]watch your [F5]back
F2 G2 C5 B5 A5 G5 F5(let ring) G5
Cause there's a brick with your name on it
[C5] [G5] [F5]You're gonna get your's [C5]too
[G5] [F5]You're gonna get yours t[C5]oo
[G5] [F5]You're gonna get yours t[C5]oo
[G5] [F5]You're gonna get yours t[C5]oo
[G5] [F5]You're gonna get yours t[C5]oo
[G5] [F5]You're gonna get yours t[C5]oo
[G5] [F5]You'll get what's coming to [C5]you
End on that C5 and yo're done. Later.

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A5 C5 F2 F5 G2 G5
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