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Winnebago Skeletons  The Handsome Family

There's a f[G]ish in my stomach a th[C]ousand years o[G]ld
Can't sw[G]im a full c[Em]ircle, the w[C]ater's too c[D]old
Burnt out c[Em]ars in my f[C]ingers, conv[G]ey[F#/G]or belts f[Em]low,
right [C]angles and st[Am]eam whistles, n[C]oth[D]ing can gr[G]ow
A b[G]ig-antlered deer stepping [C]into the r[G]oad,
A be[G]autiful w[Em]oman with her h[C]ead in the st[D]ove
The s[Em]kyscr*pers cr[C]umble [G]he[F#/G]avy with r[Em]ats
The w[C]ind's full of b[Am]eer cans and wh[C]iff[D]le ball b[G]ats
The e[D]ndless sea of traffic lights n[C]ever make a s[G]ound
Like B[D]en Franklin's electric kite cr[C]ashing to the gr[G]ound
and the W[C]innebago sk[Am]eletons ben[C]eath this b[D]ankrupt t[G]own
[G] [C] [G] [Em] [C] [G] [F#/G] [Em] [C] [Am] [C] [D] [G]  
This f[G]ish in my stomach wears a f[C]ull length m[G]ink,
But his te[G]eth float in sh[Em]erry in a j[C]ar by the s[D]ink
He's the w[Em]ithered rem[C]ains of [G]Rin[F#/G] Tin T[Em]in
T[C]aking his new C[Am]adillac o[C]ut f[D]or a sp[G]in
The e[D]ndless sea of traffic lights n[C]ever make a s[G]ound
Like B[D]en Franklin's electric kite cr[C]ashing to the gr[G]ound
and the W[C]innebago sk[Am]eletons ben[C]eath this b[D]ankrupt t[G]own
[C] [Am] [C] [D] [G] 

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Am C D Em F#/G G
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