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Wild Wood  The Handsome Family

Give me a sw[A]amp, [E] a deep dark b[A]og
Where I can l[D]ose my way in pools of slippery m[A]ud
Give me cold, cold r[D]ain, a cloud of stinging b[A]ugs
Deadly nightshade, poison oak, g[E]ive me the wild, wild w[A]ood
The w[E]ild, the w[D]ild, wild, wild wo[A]od
The w[Bm]ild, the w[D]ild, wild, wild wo[A]od
We can dress in sk[A]ins, [E] wrap our feet in b[A]ark
And you can gr[D]owl at me or hit me with a r[A]ock
When you want to s[D]ay, "I love you," in the d[A]ark
And I will bark like a d[E]og in your a[A]rms
In the w[E]ild, the w[D]ild, wild, wild wo[A]od
The w[Bm]ild, the w[D]ild, wild, wild wo[A]od
[A] [E] [A] [D] [A]  

[D] [A] [E] [A]  

We can make a g[A]od [E] out of sticks and b[A]ones
Or we can p[D]ray to the trees or pray to the s[A]un
And our eyes will sh[D]ine when we start to s[A]ing
With the hungry wolves outs[E]ide our freezing c[A]ave
In the w[E]ild, the w[D]ild, wild, wild wo[A]od
The w[Bm]ild, the w[D]ild, wild, wild wo[A]od

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