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Underneath the Falls  The Handsome Family

[VERSE 1] 
The gr[D]een o[G]ne s[D/F#]leeps[A]
[G]underneath the f[D]alls
D[G]eep in the roar of w[D]ater
he sl[G]owly dreams the w[D]orld[Dsus4] [D]
[VERSE 2] 
And th[D]ose who v[G]enture c[D/F#]lose [A]
to that sh[G]adow 'neath the s[D]ea,
they f[G]all asleep for[D]ever
in the [G]eddy of the r[A]eeds
[A/G] [A/F#] [A/E]  
Don't l[G]isten, don't l[A]isten to the c[D]all
Turn aw[G]ay, aw[A]ay, from the wh[G]isper in the f[D]alls
[VERSE 3] 
On the f[D]irst s[G]ummer [D/F#]nights [A]
the w[G]indows open w[D]ide
The w[G]orld expands in d[D]arkness,
black w[G]aters rushing [D]by[Dsus4] [D]
[VERSE 4] 
There are h[D]unters [G]in the h[D/F#]edges [A]
There are wh[G]ispers in the gr[D]een
The s[G]oaking mud is h[D]ungry,
cl[G]oser now it s[A]eeps
[A/G] [A/F#] [A/E]  
Don't l[G]isten, don't l[A]isten to the c[D]all
Turn aw[G]ay, aw[A]ay, from the h[G]issing in the w[D]alls
[VERSE 5] 
Be c[D]areful s[G]ummer n[D/F#]ights [A]
K[G]eep the windows cl[D]osed
Outs[G]ide the yard is cr[D]awling
The h[G]eavy branches b[D]ow[Dsus4] [D]
[VERSE 6] 
In h[D]eat the w[G]orld rem[D/F#]embers[A]
when [G]all rushed with the s[D]ea
In h[G]eat the old waves r[D]ise again
to cl[G]aim what has crawled fr[A]ee
[A/G] [A/F#] [A/E]  
Don't l[G]isten, don't l[A]isten to the c[D]all
Turn aw[G]ay, aw[A]ay, from the [G]one beneath the f[D]alls
Don't l[G]isten, don't l[A]isten to the c[D]al[Dsus4]l [D]
Turn aw[G]ay, aw[A]ay, from the [G]one beneath the f[D]alls
[D] [G] [D/F#] [A] [G] [D] [G] [D] [G] [A]  
[G] [A] [D] 

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A A/E A/F# A/G D D/F# Dsus4 G
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