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The Loneliness of Magnets  The Handsome Family

[G] [C] [C7] [G] [A7] [Am] [D7] [G] [Gb13] [G6] [G7]  
My he[C]art is a beating c[C7]ompass po[G]inting to the p[A7]ole
The gr[Am]eat expanse of st[D7]illness, the tr[G]ue magnetic north
[C]I know the sky blue l[C7]onging of a cl[G]oud of spiraling b[A7]irds
[Am]All turning in an i[D7]nstant, a pe[G]rfect spinning wh[Gb13]irl[G6] [G7]
[G]I feel the l[C]oneliness of m[G]agnets and the t[Am]ides across the s[C]ea[D7]
[G]I am the d[C]ark valley c[G]alling to the tr[Am]embling mo[C]untain p[G]eak
[C] [C7] [G] [A7] [Am] [D7] [G] [Gb13] [G6] [G7]  
[C]Wherever you are ton[C7]ight as you cl[G]ose your eyes to sl[A7]eep
Th[Am]ink of me as you dr[D7]ift away to the m[G]ist of silver dreams
And I will f[C]ind you in the d[C7]arkness where w[G]ater turns to st[A7]eam
[Am]Your pull upon my he[D7]art could st[G]eer ten thousand w[Gb13]ings[G6] [G7]
[G]I feel the l[C]oneliness of m[G]agnets and tr[Am]embling mountain pe[C]aks[D7]
[G] I c[C]all you from dark v[G]alleys and I h[Am]ear you [C]echo[G]ing
[C] [C7] [G] [A7] [Am] [D7] [G] [Gb13] [G6] [G7]  
[C] [C7] [G] [A7] [Am] [D7] [G]  

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A7 Am C C7 D7 G G6 G7 Gb13
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