The Bottomless Hole The Handsome Family
Standard Tuning
[Am]My name I [(A2)]don�??t r[C]emember though I[G] hail fro[Am]m Ohio
[Am]I had a wife an[(A2)]d chi[C]ldren, g[F]ood tires on my c[C]ar[(] [A2)]
[F]What took me from my home and put me in the e[C]arth[(A2)] [Am]
[F]Was the mouth of the deep dark hole I fo[E]und behind my b[Am]arn
[Am]We�??d bee[(A2)]n filling it with g[C]arbage as long as[G] you could[Am] count
[Am]Kitchen scr*ps [(A2)]and d[C]ead cows, tra[F]ctors broken d[C]own[(] [A2)]
[F]But never did I hear one thing hit the gr[C]ound[(A2)] [Am]
[F]And slowly I came to fear, that th[E]is was a bottomless h[Am]ole
[Am]I went out[(A2)] behind the b[C]arn and stared down [G]in that h[Am]ole
[Am]Late into th[(A2)]e eve[C]ning, my [F]mind would not let g[C]o[(] [A2)]
[F]So I got out my ropes and a rusty claw foot t[C]ub[(A2)] [Am]
[F]And I rigged myself a chariot to r[E]ide down in that [Am]hole
[Am]My wife sh[(A2)]e did help m[C]e, she fed me d[G]own the r[Am]opes
[Am]And then I s[(A2)]ank a[C]way from the surf[F]ace of this w[C]orl[(]d[A2)]
[F]When the last rope pulled tight, I had not reached the e[C]nd[(A2)] [Am]
[F]And in anger I swung there down [E]in that dark ab[Am]yss
[Am]So I got o[(A2)]ut my kni[C]fe, I told my wi[G]fe goodby[Am]e
[Am]I cut loose from t[(A2)]he ro[C]pes and f[F]ell on down that h[C]ole[(] [A2)]
[F]And still I am there falling down in this evil p[C]it[(A2)] [Am]
[F]But until I hit the bottom I won�??t [E]believe it�??s [Am]bottomless
Outro: Am F E Am
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