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Somewhere Else to Be  The Handsome Family

[E]I didn't wrap my head in roses, I didn't run screaming down the street
I didn't dr[Am]ive off jagged cliffs
or d[C]ive in roaring s[E]eas
[E]I broke no cage door open, I set no horses free
The day the g[Am]irl at the drive-thru window
[C]Softly smiled at m[E]e
[B]Actually I did nothing
as she h[A]anded me a large iced t[E]ea
an e[B]xtra packet of ketchup
a small b[A]ag of onion r[E]ings
I didn't [C#m]even smile back [F#]at her
I just p[A]ulled into the str[E]eet
[C#m]Searching my rear view m[F#]irror
To c[A]atch her eyes on m[E]e
'Cause there were c[B]ars behind me
and I h[A]ad somewhere else t[E]o be
[E] [Am] [C] [E]  
[E]Down the street I saw an old man eating as he drove
r[Am]unning over empty cans
l[C]ying in the r[E]oad
[E]But the billboards near the highway were full of singing birds
and all the tr[Am]ees were blooming green
in their l[C]ittle squares of d[E]irt
Every [C#m]dog chained in every y[F#]ard
was h[A]owling with m[E]e
But I didn't [C#m]even smile back [F#]at her
I just p[A]ulled into the str[E]eet
'Cause there were c[B]ars behind me
and I h[A]ad somewhere else to b[E]e

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A Am B C C#m E F#
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