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In the Air  The Handsome Family

I [A]am afraid of bridges, somet[D]imes I have to turn ar[A]ound
When I'm driving towards one, my he[D]art begins to po[A]und
Last night at the bridge to Johnsburg, I sw[D]erved down a dead end str[A]eet
I sat there shaking in an empty l[D]ot full of broken glass and we[A]eds
Then p[E]ast me in the darkness r[D]an four wild d[A]ogs
le[E]aping over abandoned tires, h[D]igh into the a[A]ir
In the a[E]ir, in the a[D]ir,
someday I will live in the a[A]ir
[A] [D] [A]  

[A] [D] [A]  

[E] [D] [A]  

[E] [D] [A]  

In the a[E]ir, in the a[D]ir,
someday I will live in the a[A]ir
O[A]nce I loved a girl named Joan, her sk[D]in smelled just like falling sn[A]ow
One day she drove us off the road int[D]o a dead field of c[A]orn
She laughed and hit the gas as we bo[D]unced across the r[A]ows,
but I held onto the dashboard with [D]my eyes tightly cl[A]osed
Those w[E]ild dogs brought back that sm[D]ell of falling sn[A]ow
and the g[E]irl who lives in Johnsburg acr[D]oss a bridge I cannot [A]go
In the a[E]ir, in the a[D]ir,
someday I will live in the a[A]ir
In the a[E]ir, in the a[D]ir,
someday I will live in the a[E]ir

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