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Grandmother Waits for You  The Handsome Family

Grandmother waits for you [D]
with a pair of new sh[A]oes
in a land where the leaves never br[E]own
[A]The hills are sc[D]attered with
empty wheelch[A]airs
and hearing aids thrown to the gr[E]ound
[A]The long night is [D]over
The shadow has p[A]assed
and farewells forever are d[E]one [A]
[D]No more fear, n[A]o more cold
[F#m]Earth and sky p[E]ainted gold
In the l[D]and where we'll n[E]ever grow [A]old
N[A]ever grow old, n[D]ever grow [A]old
In the l[A]and where we'll n[E]ever grow [A]old
[A] [E] [A]  

The peacock and sn[D]ake,
the wolf and the l[A]amb,
all creatures find peace in t[E]ime
These p[A]erfect white sh[D]ores
are littered with je[A]wels
falling like rain from the s[E]ky
M[A]other and b[D]aby
walk into the w[A]aves
no longer fearing the t[E]ides[A]
[D]No more fear, n[A]o more cold
[F#m]Earth and sky p[E]ainted gold
In the l[D]and where we'll n[E]ever grow [A]old
N[A]ever grow old, n[D]ever grow [A]old
In the l[A]and where we'll n[E]ever grow [A]old
[A] [E] [A]  

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