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Gail With the Golden Hair  The Handsome Family

[D]Out in the Red Rock D[A]esert
Sitting on the roof of my c[D]ar
Drinking cans of w[A]arm beer
Watching the sky get d[D]ark
G[G]ail and I shot our e[D]mpties
with an [A]old rusted r[D]ifle
Her g[G]olden hair went f[D]lying
Like a [Bm]wild brush f[F#]ire
When the mo[G]untains turned r[A]ed at d[D]usk
Time p[D]assed in the burning d[A]esert
and the tumbleweeds they t[D]umbled
We lay in a golden f[A]ire
As the screaming buzzards c[D]ircled
[Bm]Far down the darkened v[F#]alley
The c[G]ity lights still tw[D]inkled
But my [Bm]eyes saw only G[F#]ail
And her h[G]air of golden f[D]ire
When the mo[G]untains turned r[A]ed at d[D]usk
But the f[D]ire it burned right thr[A]ough her
Gail followed unseen v[D]oices
They led her to the c[A]ity
Deep in the darkened v[D]alley
I drove c[G]ircles through the a[D]lleys
[A]Calling my burning l[D]over
But G[G]ail ran deeper i[D]nto the gloom
Scr[A]eaming at the stre[D]etlights
And I l[Bm]ost her there for[F#]ever
De[G]ep in the valley's d[D]arkness
My Gail with the golden h[A]air
That b[G]urns bright as f[D]ire
When the mo[G]untains turned r[A]ed at d[D]usk
[D] [G] [A] [Bm]  

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A Bm D F# G
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